Legacy Expanded
Employee Health Plan Information
Manage your benefits and health, 24/7
Sign up for InTouch for secure, online access to your plan's benefits. Plus tools and resources to support your well-being.
Pharmacy benefits
Advantages of getting prescriptions filled at Legacy Apothecaries
- Get a 90-day supply of medications for the cost of a 60-day supply.
- Most specialty pharmacy medications will continue to be available through Legacy Apothecaries.
Using Caremark pharmacies
- Most major pharmacy chains, including CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid, as well as many independent pharmacies, are in network. Check Caremark.com to ensure your pharmacy is in network.
- Get up to a 90-day supply of maintenance medications at one time through retail pharmacies. (Prescriptions will need to reflect a 90-day supply.)
Weight loss drugs
- Weight loss drugs are not a covered benefit under the Legacy plans. Some manufacturers may provide a drug card to cover these prescriptions at a copay that does not run through your health plan. When these drug cards expire, the cost will be your responsibility.
Diabetic supplies
- Diabetic supplies, such as meters, continuous glucose monitors, lancets, needles, and syringes, will be covered now under your pharmacy benefit in addition to your medical benefits.
- Some diabetic medications may no longer be on your drug list. Be sure to check the drug list to make sure your medication is still included. If your medication is no longer listed, please contact your doctor to discuss your options.
Things to remember
Over-the-counter medications are no longer covered unless they are prescription strength and you have a prescription from your provider.
- A compound medication will only be covered if similar drugs on your drug list are not effective for you, and the prescription has received prior authorization.
Legacy Expanded Network
Your plan covers eligible services both in and out of network, as well as nationwide; however, you will pay more for most out-of-network care.
- Please note: OHSU and affiliates are out-of-network on this plan.
- Out-of-network emergency and urgent care services for nonroutine care are covered at the in-network level.
- You can find a local in-network provider by calling the number on the back of your ID card or click the button below to access the Legacy Expanded provider directory.
Find a Legacy Expanded provider
- Beyond Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington, you can access in-network care nationwide through our collaboration with Aetna Signature Administrators®.
Mobile apps
The free myPacificSource and myPacificSource Admin (PSA) mobile apps let you manage your benefits, wherever you are.

myPacificSource app:
- Access your ID card, anytime.
- Find a provider, hospital, or urgent care center.
- Check your deductible and out-of-pocket totals.

myPacificSource Admin (PSA) app:
- Manage your FSA or other reimbursement accounts
Download the app today, and log in with your PSA account username and password.

Other prescription drug information
Utilization Management
For certain prescription drugs, we have additional coverage requirements or limits. Learn more about utilization management, including prior authorization, quantity limits, and step therapy.
Affordable Care Act Standard Preventive No-cost Drug List (CVS Caremark)
The ACA Standard Preventive No-cost Drug List contains medications required by the government to be available at no cost to members of a health insurance plan. The list is maintained by CVS Caremark.
- The Apothecary–Legacy Mount Hood
24800 SE Stark
Gresham OR 97030
Fax 503-674-1650 - The Apothecary–Legacy Emanuel
501 N Graham
Portland OR 97227
Fax 503-413-4515 - The Apothecary–Legacy Good Samaritan
1040 NW 22nd Ave Suite 100
Portland OR 97210
Fax 503-413-8453
- Legacy Meridian Park Community Pharmacy
19300 SW 65th Ave
Tualatin OR 97062
Fax 503-692-7437 - Woodburn Pharmacy at Woodburn Health Center
1475 Mt Hood Ave
Woodburn OR 97071
Fax 971-216-0090 - Legacy Apothecary-Legacy Salmon Creek
2121 NE 139TH St Suite 310
Vancouver WA 98686
Fax 360-487-3709
Your pharmacy, dental, and vision benefits
Pharmacy Coverage
Need prescription drugs? Your pharmacy benefits are provided by PacificSource and CVS Caremark.
971-222-1050 (local Portland area, M-F, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
844-520-5347 (toll-free)
Dental Plan
Your dental benefits are not through PacificSource, but are instead provided by Moda Health.
Portland: 503-243-3886
Elsewhere: 888-281-0405
Moda Health
Flexible spending account
Prior authorizations
Learn whether a procedure requires prior authorization. Visit our Provider Authorization Grid and select "Commercial" from the left column to get started.
Documents and forms
Enhanced Drug List for Legacy Employees
Authorizations to use/disclose Protected Health Information (complete and sign both medical and FSA forms)
PacificSource Health Plans - Medical (Spanish)
PacificSource Administrators - FSA (Spanish)
Reimbursement forms
Claim Form - Medical and Rx (Spanish)
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) forms
FSA - Online Account Access for Participants FlierPlease see this flier for instructions when signing in for the first time.
2025 FSA User Guide for Participants
General Purpose Health Flexible Spending Account (HRE) Eligible Expenses
FSA Reimbursement Request Form
PacificSource Customer Service
(for medical, pharmacy, and FSA benefits)
971-222-1050 (local Portland area,
M-F, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
844-520-5347 (toll-free)
PacificSource Administrators
Mail Payments to:
PacificSource Administrators
PO Box 2440
Omaha, NE 68103-2440