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Find a drug

Discover if a prescription drug is covered by your Individual & Family or Employer plan by making selections below and entering a drug name or therapy class. Alternative drugs will display, when available.

Find out the estimated cost of a prescription drug.

Are you looking for Medicaid drug search or Medicare drug search(link is external)?

Which drug list?

Members: Find your drug list on your member ID(link is external). No drug list on your member ID? Choose “Preferred (PDL)”.

Non-members: Choose the drug list for the state where you live. For group coverage, choose the state where your organization is headquartered.

Are you looking for Medicaid drug search or Medicare drug search(link is external)?

Download a list

Can’t find a prescription drug?

You and your doctor have the right to request an exception to the plan's formulary or coverage by contacting our Customer Service team. Or, your doctor can submit an exception request through InTouch or fax using the prior authorization medication exception request form

Please note: Some plans only provide coverage for certain drugs on this list. A separate benefit may apply to some drugs, such as specialty drugs. If you have questions about your coverage, please contact our Customer Service team.

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