Following our hearts to get at the heart of our mission
While understanding the way people learn, play, work, and age, we’re busy promoting how communities can be improved by:
- Addressing social conditions that impact health—through supporting food security, housing, healthcare access, education, and transportation
- Fostering resilience within families and communities, with a focus on early childhood, encouraging social connections, and promoting mental and emotional well-being

Healthy Communities Program
Healthy Communities is our employee-driven community giving program that supports nonprofits dedicated to promoting health equity, ensuring access to affordable housing, and addressing food insecurity through program support and volunteer opportunities. Our regional committees provide small grants to local nonprofits addressing social conditions that impact health.
Healthy Communities Volunteer Program: Employees make it happen
Everyone at PacificSource is encouraged to dedicate a paid workday to volunteer with a local organization such as United Way, a local school, or any of the dozens of nonprofits selected by the employee-organized Healthy Communities Committee.
Review program guidelines and requirements, and fill out an online Healthy Communities Submission form on our portal.

Employees giving back
Charities of Choice
PacificSource-sponsored and employee-powered: Each year, PacificSource employees at each of our regional offices choose their Charities of Choice—a community organization to support in a meaningful way. PacificSource provides funding, while the employees roll up their sleeves to engage in creative volunteer opportunities that make a difference.
The United Way
Our annual campaign raises tens of thousands of dollars through a variety of activities and employee donations. Each October, a committee of employees plans events such as an all-employee breakfast, a giveaway of several donated gift baskets, and much more. Our support of the United Way also extends to the annual Day of Caring, where a team of employees spends four hours working at one of the agencies that receives support from the United Way. We also participate in the Loaned Executive program, allowing an employee to spend several months working on behalf of the United Way while remaining on our payroll and benefits.