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Ways to Kick Butts

hand gesture turning down cigarette

Quitting nicotine and tobacco is hard, yes. Impossible, no. We’ll spare the lecture. Instead, here are seven great tips with an important reminder: A big part of quitting is learning from past attempts to figure out what works best for you.

  1. Pick a quit datethen make a plan. You’ll be better equipped to quit if you have a plan for success.
  2. Write down your personal reasons to quit. Posting your reasons and goals in prominent places allows you to refer back to them to remind yourself “why.”
  3. Get support. Don’t underestimate the importance of genuine, authentic help. You can always call an expert quit coach—someone ready to help is available at 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
  4. Identify your triggers and make a plan for how you’ll work through them. For some triggers, create preventive strategies. For triggers that can’t be avoided, make a plan for how you’ll handle them. For a list of common triggers, visit
  5. Stock up on helpful supplies. When the cravings strike, you’ll want alternatives to make it through. If you like having your hands and mouth busy, keep toothpicks, straws, and sugar-free lollipops on hand. Do you smoke to relax? Think about some self-care options such as meditation to help unwind.   
  6. Share your plan. Who are the people in your life who can support you with your plan? Family members? Coworkers? Do you usually smoke with coworkers during a break? Let them know about your plan to quit in advance. And have an alternative break-time option.  
  7. Eliminate reminders. Your everyday surroundings may be keeping you stuck in a routine or triggering the act of lighting up. Get rid of matches, ashtrays, and cigarette butts. Wash your clothes and clean your car to remove sights and smells that remind you of smoking.

More resources to help quit smoking:





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