Your Member ID card
Need a member ID card right away?
Print a member ID card
Available once coverage begins.
Print member ID
On our mobile app
If you'd rather not use a physical member ID card, you can view your member ID from within our app, myPacificSource.
Request by mail
You may receive a member ID card in the mail shortly before coverage starts, or after you renew. If you need to request printed member ID cards, please get in touch with Customer Service.
You should present your ID each time you visit a doctor or pharmacy, even if you’ve shown it before.
It has information providers use to bill us.
New members
You may receive a member ID card in the mail shortly before coverage starts. If you haven’t received one in time, see the member ID options above, or contact us and we’ll be glad to help.
Current members
When your plan renews, it’s possible you’ll receive a new card in the mail. If so, please discard previous cards and use the new one.
A tour of your member ID card
Note: Your card may not look exactly like this one, as we offer a variety of plans.

Front of card
Member ID: These nine digits, followed by the two digits under “ID” below, form your ID number. Each covered family member has a two-digit identifier, starting with 00 for the subscriber.
Network: You’ll use your network name when looking for doctors or facilities in the PacificSource Provider Directory.
Member List: Under the word, "Member" is a list of names of the subscriber and any dependents, preceded by their two-digit suffix under the word, "ID". It’s not necessary for a dependent to be listed on the card in order for them to be covered.
Coverage: "M" for medical, "D" for dental, and "V" for vision. These letters indicate the benefits available to each member.
Prescription Coverage: Next to the words, "Drug List" you’ll find which one is included in your plan, which you can use when looking for medications. You can ignore the information below that, it is used for verifying your benefits, and billing.

Back of card
Medical Benefits, Prior Authorization, & Eligibility: Need to contact us? You’ll find our Customer Service phone number (next to "Members") and email address here. You or your provider can call for assistance with medical procedures, supplies, and drugs, for which PacificSource requires advance approval.
Dental: You'll find a phone number and email address here if your plan includes dental coverage.
Pharmacists: Phone and fax numbers are supplied here for pharmacists to contact us.
Partners: The area on the right side of the card may include logos for provider networks with whom we partner.