Courses designed to meet your needs
Utilizing best practices, we offer free training to help you improve patient care. Sign up for our training platform and explore our course catalog.
Earn CME credits
Choose from self-paced courses or instructor-led sessions to help maintain your license.
Required OHA trainings
Classes designed to fulfill your Medicaid contract provisions.
Healthcare interpreter education
Work toward being credentialed in the OHA Health Care Interpreter Program.
View all training opportunities and requirements
All trainings
We regularly update our training opportunities. See all our courses in one place.
Medicaid training requirements
Get the complete list of Medicaid provider training requirements.
Report training requirements you’ve already completed.
Sign in to Absorb and select “Training Attestation.”
Start using our online training portal
We are working on consolidating all our workshops, webinars, self-paced training, and more in one location: Absorb.
To get started:

Create account
On your first visit, you will be prompted to provide information about you and your practice before choosing a username and password.
Browse or search topics
Explore training opportunities, and filter by the types of courses you are interested in.
Enroll in a course
Start earning credits and expanding your knowledge.
We’re here to help
Please reach out with any questions you may have about our workshops or classes.
PacificSource workshops
Contact our Provider Relations team
Call: 800-624-6052 ext. 2580
Medicaid compliance and other programs
Contact our Training and Facilitation Program team