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How to Keep Your Smile Healthy for a Lifetime

Healthy LifeIndustry Insights

Like all things associated with maintaining good health, needs
change as we age. Plus, research shows a link between periodontal (i.e., gum) health and overall systemic health, which includes heart disease, diabetes, stroke, premature births, arthritis, lung disease, breast cancer, and more. Here’s an overview for good dental health at every age:

It’s important to have a teeth cleaning during pregnancy. Your oral health can affect the health of your growing baby. Aside from brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, and flossing once a day, be vigilant of pregnancy gingivitis. Hormone changes can cause gum swelling, tenderness, or bleeding. More important, don’t skip dentist appointments.

Infants, Toddlers, and Children
Your child’s first dental appointment should be within six months after the first tooth appears, but no later than their first birthday. As a parent, you can help your kids develop healthy dental care habits that will serve them their whole lives. As a parent, remember to lead by example. Let your children see you taking care of your teeth, and make it a positive experience. Begin brushing your child’s teeth twice per day as soon as their teeth start coming in.

By the time most people reach age 13, they have most or all of their permanent teeth. Healthy habits developed in childhood will be a huge help at this stage. In addition to brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and seeing the dentist regularly, teens should ask their dental professional about wisdom teeth (i.e., third molars) and braces or orthodontia.

Adults under 40
In our 20s and 30s, life can be crazy busy. Between caring for families and focusing on careers, it can be easy to let dental care take a back seat. Yes, it happens. But brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and seeing the dentist regularly is crucial for avoiding major dental problems. This is the time in life to be watching out for gum disease (inflammation of the gums), teeth grinding, and misuse of whitening products.

Adults 40-60
The issues and recommendations listed above for younger adults can also apply for the middle-age years. Depending on how well you’ve cared for your teeth up until now, along with other factors, you may also be faced with new concerns, such as sensitivity to hot and cold foods, decay of old fillings, dry mouth, oral cancer, and loss of teeth.

Adults over 60
The repetition may be tiresome, but here it is: brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist regularly are still the best way to care for your teeth. The challenges to be wary of include how your mouth and gums react to medications (both prescription and over the counter), oral cancer, and maintaining dentures (or other removable appliance that replaces missing teeth).