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Whether you’re motivated by altruism, fun, or civic responsibility, volunteering can transform you and the world around you. Here are nine reasons why giving your time freely spreads all sorts of goodness inside and out:

  1. Make new friends and really connect. When you volunteer, you’re surrounding yourself with people who may otherwise never cross your path. Volunteering allows you to make a mark on the community by connecting with people and creating new bonds.  
  2. Try something new. Volunteer groups offer learning opportunities and a great way to challenge yourself, add a new discipline, or tap into a hidden talent. And while you’re expanding your horizons, others benefit from the time and energy of your investment. It’s a win-win.
  3. Get out of the house. If you’re stuck in a rut or bored with your routine, volunteering is a positive strategy to shake things up. If you’re unsure of where to start, ease into it by seeking organizations you’ve already heard of or admire. But go for it—follow your heart!
  4. Make a difference. There’s so much good that volunteer-based organizations do. Whether you’re helping to provide food+ for families, comfort crisis victims, help animals, or advocate for the environment, the good you can do is infinite.
  5. Give your career a boost. In-between jobs? Angling for a new career path? Want to give your marketability an extra edge? Volunteering is a great way to expand your visibility—opening one door leads to another. When you volunteer for a civic cause or business association, you’re able to grow your network, demonstrate your drive, and set yourself apart.  
  6. Have fun. Who said volunteering can’t be a hoot? It certainly doesn’t have to be a chore. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer at events or with organizations that are just plain fun. Think about the things you enjoy when choosing a volunteer opportunity. It can be as simple as helping at a fundraiser’s talent show, fun run, or art auction.
  7. Teach others. If you have a skill, life experience, or hobby that others could benefit from, volunteering may be a great platform for sharing with others. Bookworm? Help people read. Find organizations that give you the opportunity to host workshops or mentor on topics that might make a difference in the lives of others.
  8. Be part of a team. When we’re committed to and collaborating with a group of people on a common mission, we’re inevitably going to experience rich bonds and personal growth. It’s easy to benefit from fostering creativity, learning with others, and the responsibilities and comradery that go with working as a team.
  9. Share the wealth. Anyone who’s volunteered feels better because of it. It’s simply good for you. If volunteering is already part of your life, thank you. Your contributions make communities richer. As a seasoned volunteer, you’re also able to spread the wealth by letting people know firsthand how you’ve benefited from the commitments you make.  

Want to volunteer?

Contact your local community resource center or visit

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