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Emotional Wellness

young man smiling embracing a friend

Your mental well-being involves everything from self-understanding to coping with life’s challenges, and managing feelings to how you support others. Whether you’re working through obstacles life sends your way or holding firm as a beacon of positivity, here are six tips to boost your emotional well-being:

  1. Make having fun essential. Having fun and chilling out shouldn’t be limited to weekends. Tackle stress and boost your mood by setting aside time every day to do the stuff that makes you smile. Indulge in your favorite hobby, watch a new show, start a game night with friends or family, and so on. The right choices are as unique as you are!
  2. Practice gratitude. Recognizing what others do for you—how they add to your life—or lending a hand for those in need can bolster your self-esteem, sense of positivity, and emotional connectedness.
  3. Go walking in the sunshine. Physical activity isn’t only good for the body; it actually helps release compounds in your brain that boost your mood. And by adding 30 minutes of sunshine (or at least daylight!), you’re able to pile on some vitamin D, which releases even more of those wellness compounds.
  4. Remember that food is your friend. Eating a balanced diet packed with colorful fruits and veggies, lean protein, plant-based fat, and high-fiber carbohydrates can help with keeping you healthy and controlling disorders that affect mood and feelings.
  5. Know that it’s okay to not feel okay! Mental and emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression are very common—and highly treatable with the right assistance. If you’re struggling emotionally, reach out to a healthcare professional. Sharing your fears, frustrations, and sorrows with someone you trust is important, but it’s not the same as professional care. Check to see if your employer offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to access free counseling sessions.
  6. Strive to be social. Not only does genuine human interaction help improve your mood, real friends provide support whenever “real life” happens. If you’re looking to make new friends, consider enrolling in a class or joining a club, celebrating an event with others, watching your favorite team, or volunteering in your community. 

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