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Healthy Through the Holidays

father holding smiling daughter with gift box

Looking for ways to stay healthy throughout the holiday season without it stressing you out? Here are some simple tips to keep you happy and healthy as you give thanks, share joy, and celebrate a new year.

  • Share gratitude and laughter. The holidays can be a very joyous time, but they can also be stressful. Melt away the stress by sharing a laugh with loved ones, or listing off the things you're grateful for.
  • Breathe it all in. With all of the hustle and bustle of the season, you might find that you forget to stop and breathe. Be sure schedule time to rest and recharge between all the fun.
  • Hydrate at the holiday party. Drink a glass of water between cocktails at the holiday party to moderate your intake of alcohol and calories.
  • Load your plate. At holiday meals, be strategic about what goes on your plate. Fill half your plate with healthy options, and then be selective about filling the other half of your plate with your absolute favorites at the table.
  • Keep sweets out of sight, out of mind. Savory and sweet snacks abound during the holidays. Give yourself permission to indulge in your favorites, and then avoid ongoing grazing by physically distancing yourself from the cookie tray or buffet table.
  • Enlist support. Team up with friends, coworkers, or family for a holiday challenge to maintain (not gain) weight through the new year.
  • Get a flu shot. There's enough going on during the holidays that you don't have time to get sick. Protect yourself from germs by frequently washing your hands and getting a flu shot.
  • Sneak in more movement. During the holiday season, it can be tough to fit in your workouts. Try adding more movement to your regular, everyday activities. Power walk at the mall for 15 minutes before you start shopping, or park a fair distance from the party so you can get in a quick five- to ten-minute walk before arriving.
  • Dance the night away. Didn't get your exercise in before the party? There's still time to burn those calories, so get out there on the dance floor!
  • Give the gift of better health. Support your friends' or family's wellness goals with healthy gift giving. Options include: a fruit basket, massage gift certificate, a healthy cookbook, a fitness tracker, and more. 

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