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Stay Connected

young woman smiling playing game with family

With so many social media channels and mobile apps, staying connected may feel like a default mode—a part of the modern world that takes care of itself. But not so fast. When you consider how important genuine human interaction is to our well-being, it begs the question: Just how connected are we? Here are a few essentials to foster and nurture what matters, and keep it real:

  1. Invite friends over, just because. Take a break from back-lit text and Snapchat filters, and invite a few friends over. Enjoy the spontaneity of a casual hangout, and see where your moods take you, whether it’s an afternoon of catching up over coffee or an impromptu baking session.
  2. Write a letter—signed, sealed, delivered. When was the last time you checked your mail—your real mail, inside a mailbox—and read a letter from a friend or beloved? Taking the time to write and send a letter shows someone you cared enough to pack some extra thought into the relationship. And it sure makes for a nice surprise—and keepsake for the ages.
  3. Bust out the board games. Invite friends, family, or neighbors and bond over some friendly competition. Whether it’s Twister, Go Fish, or Monopoly, you’ll set the stage for good times and lasting memories.
  4. Put away the devices. If you’ve made the effort to meet up in person, make the most of it by being fully present. Put away your phone (and other potential distractions); you’re not only letting people know they matter—you’re better able to be in the moment.
  5. Join a club or rec league. Whatever your interest may be, go for it. Skills are overrated. The goal is to embrace something new. Taking part in a hobbyist group or playing on a team is a great way to expand the social circle, foster new friendships, and awaken your inner talents.
  6. Learn something new. Check out your local community resources to see what classes are available. Before you know it, you could be whipping up four-course meals, speaking a different language, or bonding over trail maps.
  7. Give your time, collect dividends. Find local organizations that depend on community volunteers. All sorts of groups are dedicated to improving the quality of life for people who might otherwise never cross your path. Volunteering is a rewarding way to give back while expanding your role in the community.
  8. Set up distraction-free meal zones. It’s easy to get into the habit of sharing dinner with the TV on or people with their devices. Instead, make sure dinners have everyone—ready for this?—sitting at the table at the same time with the TV off and devices away. Yes, enjoy a social, fun, tasty meal together.
  9. Set a standing date. Scheduling regular social time with a friend, partner, kiddo, or loved one can help you keep the relationship thriving. Having a standing date with someone you care about prevents you from drifting apart when life gets in the way.
  10. Embrace empathy. Ever sense when someone might be going through a rough patch? Follow your gut. Ask how they’re doing, and really listen. There are times when people just need to be heard or want someone to talk to. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes, and treat them the way you’d want to be treated.

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