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Think Like a Leader

stoic businesswoman and computer

Although there are many types of leadership which span a variety of character traits—confidence, intelligence, integrity—the leaders among us have figured out how purpose, empathy, and commitment help engage the team. Leadership is less about innate abilities and more about applying four basic disciplines:

  1. Practice continuous improvement. Leaders strive for ways for things to get better—within themselves and the situations around them. Professional development not only keeps our skills sharp, but shows others that we’re engaged and invested in being our best.
  2. Listen with focused intent. Listening is more than paying attention to what is being said; it involves being present and showing you care. Often called active listening, engaging to understand another person’s perspective ensures everyone’s point of view is respected. Everyone on the team matters. Listening also means paying attention to the silences—the things that aren’t being said. Listening skills get better with disciplined practice.
  3. Foster teamwork. Leaders are often service-driven. They understand that a part of leadership is serving the team and wanting what’s best for the mission. (It’s not about them.) A leader who recognizes individual contributions has a way of letting everyone know that going the distance means going together.    
  4. Be curious. Leaders won’t pretend to have all the answers. In fact, they’re often the first to recognize how much more they need to learn. Leaders are constantly seeking information, insights, and perspectives. They find satisfaction in engaging and processing ideas in order to make sound decisions. If you don’t understand what’s being said, just ask—stay engaged.

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