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Wellness Tips for Men

man walking his dog

Statistically, women out-live men by an average of five years. And men are at a higher risk than women for most leading causes of death. So, to all the men out there—the sons, fathers, brothers, and husbands—consider these helpful every-day suggestions to improve your overall health and wellness:

  1. Home in on whole foods. Fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, plant-based fats, and lean sources of protein are foundational for maintaining optimal physical health. Avoiding processed snack foods, fatty meat products, and sugar-sweetened beverages will also help to reduce your risk for chronic illness.
  2. Refresh your fitness routine. Why not challenge yourself to keep things exciting? Over time, our bodies acclimate to the same repeated fitness routine, ultimately preventing us from burning as much energy as we used to. For a change, switch it up by swapping your cardiovascular regimen for more strength-training, which can include yoga or wall climbing at a rock gym. Get creative. The possibilities are endless. 
  3. Make primary care a prime priority. The importance of finding a doctor and keeping regularly scheduled checkups can’t be over-emphasized. You can expect your doctor to get to know you, recommend preventive care appointments, and advise you on ways to stay physically and mentally fit. 
  4. Kick the butts. Tobacco use causes damage to your heart, lungs, and nearly every organ there is. And that’s not all: Second-hand smoke affects everyone around you. Need help quitting? Seek out the American Cancer Society® and Optum®Quit For Life Program® or the National Cancer Institute’s live help specialists at 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669).
  5. Cheers to moderation. The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend consuming no more than two servings of alcohol per day. A serving of alcohol is defined at 12 oz. of beer (5% ABV), 5 oz. of wine (12% ABV), or 1.5 oz. of hard liquor (40% ABV).
  6. When in doubt, talk it out. According to the nonprofit organization Mental Health America, men are less likely than women to seek help for depression, substance abuse, and stressful life events due to social pressure, reluctance to share, and downplaying symptoms. For good wellness, explore ways to express your thoughts and identify whatever it is you’re feeling. Maintain close ties with friends. Look into meditation. Ask a healthcare professional for advice during tough times. And don’t forget to decompress with regular exercise or a hobby.
  7. Protect what’s skin deep. Frequent exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays increases your risk of melanoma (a form of skin cancer) and premature wrinkling. Whenever you plan to be outside for more than an hour, think ahead by applying sunscreen.
  8. Open up to Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids found in foods such as salmon, sardines, walnuts, and flax seeds provide a wide range of health benefits, including reduced inflammation, improved risk factors for heart disease, and diminished mood-disorder symptoms.   
  9. Practice financial fitness. Be empowered by taking control. Staying on top of your finances by establishing a workable budget and setting up a systematic savings plan helps create a sense of satisfaction while planning for your future.   

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