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Tips to Fight the Flu

two young boys smiling under umbrella

With every new fall season, there are new flu viruses. Like microscopic invaders, these viruses creep into our communities and families, wreaking havoc on our health, and making us feel miserable. But this doesn't have to happen to you!

Tips to Protect Yourself from the Flu

  • Cover your cough with  tissue. This is a simple way to help keep the virus from spreading. Feel a cough or sneeze coming on, but don't have a tissue? Cough or sneeze into your elbownot your hand.
  • Wash your hands frequently. You should do this even when it's not flu season, but it's especially important when viruses are in the air. Wash your hands with soap and water for about 20 seconds.
  • If you feel sick and have a fever, stay home. Nothing good happens when you try to work through the flu. You feel terrible, you put others at risk of getting sick, and you're probably going to make more mistakes.
  • Get a flu shot. This is a great way to protect yourself and look out for others who share space with you at home or at work.
  • Encourage your family members to get flu shots. Fall and winter season family fun is a lot more enjoyable when everyone is well enough to participate.

More About Flu Shots

  • Flu shots offer valuable protection. A flu shot doesn't guarantee you won't get the flu, but it's a huge help! In fact, it provides you with up to 60 percent more protection than if you don't get one. Note that it takes two weeks for a flu vaccine to take effect.
  • You don't get the flu from flu shots. Modern flu vaccines don't use live viruses, which means you can't catch the flu from a flu shot.
  • Hate needles? We get it! The good news is most providers offer the flu vaccine in a nasal mist. No needles involved!
  • You can get a flu vaccine at no cost to you. As a PacificSource member, you can get the flu vaccine at no cost when you get it from a participating provider or pharmacy.
  • Pharmacies offer convenience. Most pharmacies offer drop-in flu shots with little or no waiting.

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